⚙️Config File

The config file uses the YAML format, it is easy to read and edit. Open config.yaml with notepad to begin editing the config. Each field already has a description of what you should be inputting.

We suggest editing the YAML file using notepad++

We suggesting using Capsolver for all your captcha solving needs:

key: NANO-12345-12345-12345 #your license key
geo_key: #your geo api key
thread_number: 5 #raffle entry threads
thread_delay: 60 #raffle entry delay

captcha_service: 4 #selected service using the ids located below
        id: 1
            - 123456789 #capmonster key
        id: 2
            - 123456789 #anticatpcha key
        id: 3
            - 123456789 #twocaptcha key
        id: 4
            - 123456789 #capsolver key

    username: johnsmith@gmail.com #gmail
    password: password123 #app password
    imap: imap.gmail.com

webhook: https://discord.com/api/webhooks/12345/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz #discord webook

Notes on thread settings above

  • thread_number is the number of threads (individual tasks for entry) that will start every delay period

  • thread_delay is the time (in seconds) that sets the delay period

  • Example: if you have thread_number set to 10 and thread_delay set to 30 the bot will start 10 tasks every 30 seconds. These tasks will be started regardless of whether any previous entries have been successful in entering.

Notes on gmail settings above

  • Some sites require that you have IMAP settings set up. What this allows the bot to do is grab information (e.g. signup codes or signup links) from an email/group of emails, which has been forwarded to a master email (gmail). It is the master email that you will need to set up in the gmail as shown above

  • In order to create an app password (as required above) you will need to generate one. For information on creating an app password please see this link. Further, as you will see in the article, you will be required to turn on 2fa. Information can be found through this link.

  • In order to enable IMAP you will need to follow this link.

Last updated