
You will need to set up your capsolver key in the Config File.

You will need to download the eng.trainddata file from #downloads in the discord. You then place it in the bot directory e.g. C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\nano AU

To edit the CSV it is recommended you use Rons Editor otherwise you may encounter errors.



The queue link. Example: https://ramint.queue-it.net/?c=ramint&e=eshop247&ver=v3-aspnetcore-3.5.1&cver=75&l=Theme+-+v1&t=https%3a%2f%2feshop.ramint.gov.au%2f


Event ID. Example 25005F6F88B609E5


The proxies used for tasks (don't include the .txt)

monitorDelay & retrtyDelay

The monitoring & retry delay (in seconds). Example: 1


  • The only column's required in the CSV are mentioned above. Size is not always required.

  • The bot will a send a webhook which will include the queue pass - labeled as CLICK HERE FOR URL

  • If you want to test setup, use the following link https://footlocker.queue-it.net/?c=footlocker&e=cxcdtest02&t=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.footlocker.com%2Fsearch%3Fquery%3D6H053P85&cid=en-EN

Example CSV for Queue-it

Last updated