👟Harrolds (FCFS)

To edit the CSV it is recommended you use Rons Editor otherwise you may encounter errors.



The nike sku found on the website. Example: CZ0775-046.Or, you can use the Supplier code on the product page which looks something like CZ0775.046 You can also use the SKU on the monitor


random for random sizing; or specifc sizing example 10; or size listing example 6,7,8


The proxies used for tasks (don't include the .txt)

monitorDelay & retryDelay

The monitoring & retry delay (in seconds). Example: 1


The only mode is currently sku



For profile information see Profile CSV Overview

Paying on Harrolds

There are two ways to pay on Harrolds:

  1. The bot will automatically open a browser on the machine that the bot is running on. It will use the card information from the CSV and auto-pay.

  2. Failing the above, the bot will send a webhook which you can use to pay for the product. Press on the BACKUP LINK and it will open a chrome browser, where you can manually input the card information and pay. NOTE: the extension must be installed (see: Installing Chrome Extension)

Example task CSV for Harrolds

Last updated